What We Do

We are the Collaborative voice of health information technology experts for the Long-Term Post-Acute Care (LTPAC) space.

Our Priorities to Advance Interoperable Health IT

Our priority is to support an individual's health, wellness, and quality of life outcomes.
To be person-centric, healthcare and health IT solutions must focus on the whole person - their health, wellness and social needs - that ultimately support a person’s quality of life.
  • Build an infrastructure and deploy health IT tools that integrate social supports and home and community-based services as part of healthcare and an individual’s care team and network.
  • Continue progress on integrating health and social service data including integrating social determinants of health in clinical health IT systems.  
  • Deploy tools for patient-centered care planning and coordination that includes the patient, their caregivers, their multi-disciplinary care team, and service providers.
  • Advance social connectedness tools for seniors to support
    their health, wellness and quality of life.
  • Utilize the expertise of the LTPAC sector and experience in treating the person holistically and utilizing a broad set of data that includes clinical and non-clinical data that affects a person’s health and wellness.
‍Our priority is to launch inclusive and coordinated value-based care, quality measurement, reporting and payment models.
To be person-centered and longitudinal, federal and state policy must re-evaluate their innovation, quality measurement, and payment models and move away from the silos perpetuated in the current system and re-envision models that include and coordinate across various providers including LTPAC, HCBS and LTSS.
  • Recognize in Federal policy, plans and programs the breadth of LTPAC including Life-Plan Communities, Senior Housing, Assisted Living, home and community-based services(HCBS) and long-term services and supports (LTSS).
  • Remove regulatory barriers that are preventing the sector from participating meaningfully in value-based care models that take advantage of health IT capabilities.
  • Launch a series of integrated/coordinated care demonstrations that are led by, or significantly engage, LTPAC and HCBS providers to bring their experience to other healthcare providers.
  • Encourage innovation by implementing a process or program to allow providers experimenting with technology-enabled innovative care delivery and connected care staff to reduce required staffing ratios if third party evaluations could deliver safe and quality care at lower staffing levels.
  • Build on experiences and CMS data collected during the pandemic on the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of telehealth by eliminating barriers to expansion and use (e.g. waivers, inadequate originating site fees, exclusion of important clinicians, etc.).
  • Advance person-centered assessments, quality measurement (e.g. eCQMs) and reporting.
‍Our priority is to build an all-inclusive interoperable ecosystem.
It is important the we ensure that healthcare and service providers are fully integrated in our connected ecosystem.
  • Focus on milestones that must be achieved rather than scoping out calendar dates alone for achieving critical objectives.
  • Launch a series of integrated/coordinated care demonstrations by LTPAC and HCBS providers to bring their experience to other healthcare providers.
  • Re-evaluate the ONC health IT certification programs (e.g. CEHRT) to understand the limitations and bias toward hospital and physician practices.
  • Coordinate with FCC to ensure all low-income older Americans, both in urban and rural areas, and all their care providers, including home health agencies, have adequate and affordable broadband Internet access, including mobile Internet access.
Our priority is to connect persons, providers, services, and the workforce.
Establish a clinical technology workforce environment with strategies and initiatives that are in harmony and encourage innovation.
  • Encourage ONC to include a cross agency roadmap in the Federal Health IT Strategic Plan that provides proactive planning, expansion and cross-initiative integration to guide the industry on the priorities and timelines.
  • Improve access to health information for patients and their designated network of family, friends and caregivers.
  • Work with the LTPAC sector and other stakeholders that were not
    included in the initiatives of the past decade built around HITECH
    incentives to increase adoption of interoperable health IT.
  • Allow LTPAC providers to experiment with technology and
    evaluate innovative care delivery that leverage technology
    and connected qualified care staff.
Our priority is to underpin a longitudinal data infrastructure with analytics, decision support and augmented intelligence.
Longitudinal data must include LTPAC and LTPAC providers need to leverage advanced health and business intelligence to improve interactions, experiences and outcomes at the individual and population levels.
  • Harmonizing of the person’s health, wellness and care over the total spectrum (acute, ambulatory, behavioral and LTPAC).
  • Cross reference and coordinate quantified self and clinical data science.
  • Promote adoption of health intelligence and decision support by LTPAC, services and supports
  • Leverage “big data” to monitor and improve business service and care delivery processes, customer experiences, interactions and outcomes in LTPAC.
  • Establish information governance strategies that mitigates the silos of care.
  • Develop a cooperative health intelligence expertise within LTPAC, services and supports including in research and education.
‍Our priority is to remove regulatory barriers for technology use to improve care and reduce administrative burdens.
Leveraging a modern technology infrastructure and health IT can reduce regulatory and administrative burdens on all providers, including LTPAC providers.
  • Significantly improve the sequencing and alignment of regulatory activities across all sectors including LTPAC by coordinating timelines for development, implementation of regulations and release of tools and guidance.
  • Redesign and modernize the survey process across federal and state partners that includes the use of various health IT tools and capabilities to improve its efficacy and efficiency.

Policy Center

Initiatives We Are Tracking


The Collaborative actively participates, discusses, and monitors projects and initiatives that advance our mission and strategic priorities. Click on the category to stay informed on this important work.


Moving Forward Coalition

The Moving Forward Coalition to Improve Nursing Home Quality Moving Forward focuses on advancing seven goals outlined by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in an April 2022 report aimed at improving nursing home quality. One of those goals is focused on the use of health IT.

The Health IT Committee is co-chaired by two LTPAC Health IT Collaborative members, Dr. Terrence (Terry) O'Malley and Dr. Gregory Alexander. The committee is comprised of 10 members representing different stakeholders and perspectives.

The LTPAC Health IT Collaborative also convenes a subgroup to brainstrom and discuss issues in support of the committee.

March 2023: The Collaborative is helping the Moving Forward Coalition HIT Committee to develop a timeline with markers and milestones to be prepared for value based care in 2030 and beyond.

December 2022: The committee launched  subgroups in priority areas including measure development and reporting and long-term visioning.

Federal Advisory Committees

Health IT Advisory Committee (HITAC)

The Health Information Technology Advisory Committee (HITAC)was established under the 21st Century Cures Act to make recommendations to the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology on matters of health IT policy, standards, specifications, and certification criteria to that advances the electronic access, exchange, and use of health information.

It is important for HITAC to have a voice from the LTPAC sector to ensure recommendations consider the needs of the entire healthcare ecosystem. Fillipe Southerland, Director, Healthcare Solutions with Yardi Systems, Inc. is currently serving a term from 1/2022 – 12/2024.

HITAC Subcommittees:     

Interoperability Standards Workgroup: Collaborative member Shelly Spiro, RPh, FASCP, Executive Director of the Pharmacy Health IT Collaborative is a member of the Interoperability Standards Workgroup and the Pharmacy Interoperability Subgroup

Proposed Rule Making Group: Fillipe Southerland is serving on the Proposed Rule Making Group which is focusing on 3 key rules and coordination among federal entities on requirements for interoperability

The Collaborative has set a goal for 2022 and 2023 to improve interoperability across the continuum. Recommending that we should have a concerted effort to be at the HITAC meetings and subcommittees to provide comments publicly and in response to written materials. Priority areas for LTPAC include transitions of care and care plans.

We encourages experts in the LTPAC sector to submit an application to serve on a future HITAC subcommittees of HITAC. ONC is recruiting individuals to participate in future subcommittees of The Health Information Technology Advisory Committee(HITAC).  You can submit an application on the ONC site.

Health Information Exchange

Cybersecurity and Information Blocking ONC

Collaborative members monitor and are engaged in tracking cybersecurity and information blocking activities and rules. We have had the opportunity to share information with ONC about the specific and unique questions and challenges for the LTPAC sector. The following links were shared by ONC:

-Health IT Feedback and Inquiry Portal

-Steven Posnack's Blog on Information Blocking and the President's FY2023 Budget

-ONC's Report Information Blocking Portal


-Information Blocking Actors Fact Sheet

-Health Care Provider Definition Fact Sheet

-Understanding Electronic Health Information (EHI) Fact Sheet

-Information Blocking Exceptions Fact Sheet

-Link to various Information Blocking resources

2022: The Collaborative has been discussing concerns with policy-makers continued focus on Certified EHR Technology (CEHRT) as the foundation for bidirectional interoperable exchange. The use of CEHRT applies to providers eligible for the Meaningful Use Program (eligible hospitals and providers), but is not applicable to settings such as LTPAC. We are concerned that goals for bidirectional exchange will fall short unless the focus is on ways to engage the full healthcare ecosystem not just select providers.

Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA)

The Collaborative monitors the progress and advancement TEFCA which was established to develop a universal floor for interoperability across the country. The Common Agreement will establish the infrastructure model and governing approach for users in different networks to securely share basic clinical information with each other—all under commonly agreed-to expectations and rules, and regardless of which network they happen to be in. The Trusted Exchange Framework describes a common set of non-binding, foundational principles for trust policies and practices that can help facilitate exchange among HINs.



The Collaborative monitors and receives updates from its members on priority health IT standards initiatives and groups. We are tracking the following activities and encourage broader participation by LTPAC to ensure the needs and priorities of the sector are included in industry standards.

-The PACIO Project advancing post acute care interoperability with FHIR.

-Electronic Prescribing and Medication Management Initiatives include development of the HL7 Medication Reconciliation/Medication Profile and NCPDP's standards on Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substance (EPCS).

-The HL7 DaVinci Project, a FHIR Accelerator program to support and integrate value-based care (VBC) data exchange across communities.

-The HL7 Gravity Project, a FHIR Accelerator program to expand core data for interoperable exchange of social determinants of health (SDOH) data elements.

-Multiple Chronic Condition eCare Plan Initiative aims to promote the interoperable collection, use, and sharing of comprehensive, person-centered health and social data across settings.

-NCVHS and CAQH Operating Rules pertaining to Prior Authorization.

January 2022: NCVHS

The Collaborative continues to monitor the use of industry standards by Medicare Advantage Payers to streamline processes and reduce administrative burden on LTPAC providers to respond to prior authorization requests and medical reviews. On January 18-19, 2023, the National Committee of Vital and Health Statistics Standards Subcommittee held a hearing. Materials are available at the site.

Public Health

Public Health

The importance of modernizing public health systems to include LTPAC settings and data was highlighted with the COVID-19 pandemic. The Collaborative monitors activities in public health including:

-CDC Data Modernization Initiatives and Roadmap of Initiatives

-Public Health Reporting Systems impacting LTPAC settings National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) for Long Term Care Facilities

-COVID-19 updates and learnings CMS COVID-19 Data for Nursing Homes

Quality Measures

Quality Measures

National Quality Forum: NQF's mission is to be a trusted voice in measuring healthcare improvements. The Collaborative monitors NQFs activities and groups related to LTPAC.  Collaborative member, Dr. Greg Alexander, PhD, RN, is a current appointee to the Measure Applications Partnership (MAP) Post-Acute Care/Long Term Care Workgroup. This group makes recommendations to a Coordinating Committee on selection and coordination of measures for PAC/LTC providers including hospice, inpatient rehab facilities, LTC hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and home health care.

CMS Quality Reporting Programs:



Survey data on adoption and use of interoperable health IT by LTPAC providers and settings is important to determine progress and identify gaps or challenges that must be addressed. The Collaborative monitors and supports the following surveys and encourages providers to participate in these and other adoption studies.

- CHIME Most Wired Survey

ONC EHR Adoption and Interoperability Studies

- Skilled Nursing Facility and Home Health Agencies in 2017 Study

- Skilled Nursing Facility 2016 Study



Collaborative members provide updates on activities of various groups and committees that they serve that are relative to our mission and priorities. To stay informed of important activities and perspectives across the LTPAC sector, we hear highlights from the following groups:   

- CIO Consortium

HIMSS Committees: 


- HIMSS Burden Reduction Taskforce

- HIMSS Interoperability

- NARA and Regulatory Body Considerations


No items found.

All Initiatives

Cybersecurity and Information Blocking ONC

Collaborative members monitor and are engaged in tracking cybersecurity and information blocking activities and rules. We have had the opportunity to share information with ONC about the specific and unique questions and challenges for the LTPAC sector. The following links were shared by ONC:

-Health IT Feedback and Inquiry Portal

-Steven Posnack's Blog on Information Blocking and the President's FY2023 Budget

-ONC's Report Information Blocking Portal


-Information Blocking Actors Fact Sheet

-Health Care Provider Definition Fact Sheet

-Understanding Electronic Health Information (EHI) Fact Sheet

-Information Blocking Exceptions Fact Sheet

-Link to various Information Blocking resources

2022: The Collaborative has been discussing concerns with policy-makers continued focus on Certified EHR Technology (CEHRT) as the foundation for bidirectional interoperable exchange. The use of CEHRT applies to providers eligible for the Meaningful Use Program (eligible hospitals and providers), but is not applicable to settings such as LTPAC. We are concerned that goals for bidirectional exchange will fall short unless the focus is on ways to engage the full healthcare ecosystem not just select providers.


Collaborative members provide updates on activities of various groups and committees that they serve that are relative to our mission and priorities. To stay informed of important activities and perspectives across the LTPAC sector, we hear highlights from the following groups:   

- CIO Consortium

HIMSS Committees: 


- HIMSS Burden Reduction Taskforce

- HIMSS Interoperability

- NARA and Regulatory Body Considerations

Health IT Advisory Committee (HITAC)

The Health Information Technology Advisory Committee (HITAC)was established under the 21st Century Cures Act to make recommendations to the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology on matters of health IT policy, standards, specifications, and certification criteria to that advances the electronic access, exchange, and use of health information.

It is important for HITAC to have a voice from the LTPAC sector to ensure recommendations consider the needs of the entire healthcare ecosystem. Fillipe Southerland, Director, Healthcare Solutions with Yardi Systems, Inc. is currently serving a term from 1/2022 – 12/2024.

HITAC Subcommittees:     

Interoperability Standards Workgroup: Collaborative member Shelly Spiro, RPh, FASCP, Executive Director of the Pharmacy Health IT Collaborative is a member of the Interoperability Standards Workgroup and the Pharmacy Interoperability Subgroup

Proposed Rule Making Group: Fillipe Southerland is serving on the Proposed Rule Making Group which is focusing on 3 key rules and coordination among federal entities on requirements for interoperability

The Collaborative has set a goal for 2022 and 2023 to improve interoperability across the continuum. Recommending that we should have a concerted effort to be at the HITAC meetings and subcommittees to provide comments publicly and in response to written materials. Priority areas for LTPAC include transitions of care and care plans.

We encourages experts in the LTPAC sector to submit an application to serve on a future HITAC subcommittees of HITAC. ONC is recruiting individuals to participate in future subcommittees of The Health Information Technology Advisory Committee(HITAC).  You can submit an application on the ONC site.

Moving Forward Coalition

The Moving Forward Coalition to Improve Nursing Home Quality Moving Forward focuses on advancing seven goals outlined by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in an April 2022 report aimed at improving nursing home quality. One of those goals is focused on the use of health IT.

The Health IT Committee is co-chaired by two LTPAC Health IT Collaborative members, Dr. Terrence (Terry) O'Malley and Dr. Gregory Alexander. The committee is comprised of 10 members representing different stakeholders and perspectives.

The LTPAC Health IT Collaborative also convenes a subgroup to brainstrom and discuss issues in support of the committee.

March 2023: The Collaborative is helping the Moving Forward Coalition HIT Committee to develop a timeline with markers and milestones to be prepared for value based care in 2030 and beyond.

December 2022: The committee launched  subgroups in priority areas including measure development and reporting and long-term visioning.

Public Health

The importance of modernizing public health systems to include LTPAC settings and data was highlighted with the COVID-19 pandemic. The Collaborative monitors activities in public health including:

-CDC Data Modernization Initiatives and Roadmap of Initiatives

-Public Health Reporting Systems impacting LTPAC settings National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) for Long Term Care Facilities

-COVID-19 updates and learnings CMS COVID-19 Data for Nursing Homes

Quality Measures

National Quality Forum: NQF's mission is to be a trusted voice in measuring healthcare improvements. The Collaborative monitors NQFs activities and groups related to LTPAC.  Collaborative member, Dr. Greg Alexander, PhD, RN, is a current appointee to the Measure Applications Partnership (MAP) Post-Acute Care/Long Term Care Workgroup. This group makes recommendations to a Coordinating Committee on selection and coordination of measures for PAC/LTC providers including hospice, inpatient rehab facilities, LTC hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and home health care.

CMS Quality Reporting Programs:


The Collaborative monitors and receives updates from its members on priority health IT standards initiatives and groups. We are tracking the following activities and encourage broader participation by LTPAC to ensure the needs and priorities of the sector are included in industry standards.

-The PACIO Project advancing post acute care interoperability with FHIR.

-Electronic Prescribing and Medication Management Initiatives include development of the HL7 Medication Reconciliation/Medication Profile and NCPDP's standards on Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substance (EPCS).

-The HL7 DaVinci Project, a FHIR Accelerator program to support and integrate value-based care (VBC) data exchange across communities.

-The HL7 Gravity Project, a FHIR Accelerator program to expand core data for interoperable exchange of social determinants of health (SDOH) data elements.

-Multiple Chronic Condition eCare Plan Initiative aims to promote the interoperable collection, use, and sharing of comprehensive, person-centered health and social data across settings.

-NCVHS and CAQH Operating Rules pertaining to Prior Authorization.

January 2022: NCVHS

The Collaborative continues to monitor the use of industry standards by Medicare Advantage Payers to streamline processes and reduce administrative burden on LTPAC providers to respond to prior authorization requests and medical reviews. On January 18-19, 2023, the National Committee of Vital and Health Statistics Standards Subcommittee held a hearing. Materials are available at the site.


Survey data on adoption and use of interoperable health IT by LTPAC providers and settings is important to determine progress and identify gaps or challenges that must be addressed. The Collaborative monitors and supports the following surveys and encourages providers to participate in these and other adoption studies.

- CHIME Most Wired Survey

ONC EHR Adoption and Interoperability Studies

- Skilled Nursing Facility and Home Health Agencies in 2017 Study

- Skilled Nursing Facility 2016 Study

Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA)

The Collaborative monitors the progress and advancement TEFCA which was established to develop a universal floor for interoperability across the country. The Common Agreement will establish the infrastructure model and governing approach for users in different networks to securely share basic clinical information with each other—all under commonly agreed-to expectations and rules, and regardless of which network they happen to be in. The Trusted Exchange Framework describes a common set of non-binding, foundational principles for trust policies and practices that can help facilitate exchange among HINs.


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